History of India from earliest times till the Mauryan period

  • Sources: Archaeological, Literary, Foreign accounts
  • Introduction to Prehistoric Cultures of India (Archaeological perspective): Paleolithic, Neolithic, Mesolithic, Chalcolithic
  • Origins of agriculture and Domestication of animals: Neolithic Stage of Culture, The Earliest Farmers, Nile Valley, Early Farmers of Western Asia, Early Farmers of the Indian Sub-Continent, North Western Region, Neolithic Culture of Kashmir Valley, Early Farmers of the Belan Valley, Neolithic Culture of Bihar/Mid Ganga Valley, Early Farmers of Eastern India, Early Farmers of South India, Neolithic Culture of Upper, Central and Western Deccan
  • Indus valley civilization or Harappan civilization: Discovery, Main Features, Decline, Legacy etc.
  • Vedic period: Nature of Vedic literature; Political, Social, Economic and Religious life of Vedic people
  • The Mahakavyas: Ramayana and Mahabharata as Sources for the Reconstruction of Ancient Indian History
  • The Religious Movements of post Vedic period: Jainism, Buddhism — their Emergence, Main Teachings and Role of Monastic Order
  • Mauryan Period & Expansion of MAGADHAN TERRITORIA (Polity, Society and Economy 320 B.C. to 200 B.C): Location of Magadha, Note on Sources, Political History of Pre-Mauryan Magadha, Notion of ‘Empire’ , Modern views on definition of ‘Empire’, Indian notion of chakravarti-ksetra , Origin of Mauryan rule , Asoka Maurya , The Kalinga War ,Magadha at Asoka’s death. Material and Social Basis of Production Agriculture and Land Revenue, General Features of Agrarian Economy, Land Revenue Organisation Trade and Towns , Organisation of Trade, Growth of Urban Economy, Socio-Economic Changes in Mauryan India. Central Administration-I– The King, Council of Ministers, City Administration Central Administration-I- Army , Espionage , Justice and Punishment, Revenue Administration, Public Works Regional and Local Units of Administration. Provincial Administration, District and Village Level Administration Relations with Other Powers. Ashoka’s Dhamma : Historical Background- Socio-Economic Background, Religious Conditions , Polity Distributiop of Inscriptions Dhamma – Causes Contents of Dhamma Asoka’s Dhamma as State Policy Dhamma – Interpretations. Decline: Successors of Asoka, Other Political Factors for Disintegration, Asoka and His Problems, Economic Problems 22.6 Growth of Local Polities, Major Kingdoms, Local Kingdoms.

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