Word World -6 : English Corner

Hello dear friends…

In previous chapter we have seen some useful & important words. Today, we’ll see some another 10 useful & important words : –

(1) Peddler(also pedlar)(n)– A person who sells illegal drugs.

(2) Brawl(n/v)- A noisy and violent fight involving a group of people.

(3) Tresspass(v/n)- To enter land or a building that you do not have permission or the right to enter.

(4) Mandarin(n)- A powerful official of high rank, esp. in civil services.

(5) Outpost(n)- a) A small military camp away from the main army used for watching an enemy’s movements etc.
b) A small town in a lonely part of a country.

(6) Legacy(n)- Money or property that is given to you by subject when they die.

(7) Out play(v)- To play much better than subject you are competing against.

(8) Prodigy(n)- A young person who is unusually intelligent or skillful for their age.

(9) Veteran(n)- A person who has a lot of experience in a particular area or activity.

(10) Predicament(n)- Quandary ; Dilemma.

Related Book- perfect competitive English

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