Word World -5 : English Corner

Hello dear friends…

In previous chapter we have seen some useful & important words but today we’ll see some another lesson.Today, we’ll see some exceptional rules of Noun & the number. So lets start :- Exceptional points of noun & the number :- Some exceptional words & their form as noun :-

(1) Mathematics – a) As a subject (singular). As:- Mathematics is the science of calculations.
b) Mathematical skill (plural). As:- My mathematics are strong.

(2) Wages – a) Punishment(singular). As :- The wages of sin is death.
b) Remuneration( plural). As :- The wages of workers have increased everywhere.

(3) Means – a) Medium(singular). As:- The only means of transportation in the desert is the camel.
b) Income(plural). As :- His means are small so he cannot educate his children.

(4) Issue – a) Matter(singular/plural). As:- I have to speak nothing on this issue/ these issues.
b) Offspring(only singular). As :- My uncle has no issue so he has adopted my brother.

(5) Word –a) Word that means combination of words( singular/plural). As :- I know these words.
b) Promise(only singular) . As :- Everyone should be true to his word.

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