2010 CHS Arts & Commerce Solved Paper

1. Who was the Governor of the East India Company in Bengal, when the Battle of Buxor (1764) was fought?

(1) Clive

(2) Henry Vansittart

(3) warren Hastings

(4) Cartier

Answer: Henry Vansittart (1760 – 1765)

First Governor of Bengal : Robert Clive (1758 – 1760 and again 1765 – 1767)

2. Which Governor- General introduce Permanent Settlement of land revenue in the Bangal Suba? 

(1) Lord Cornwallis

(2) Warren Hastings

(2) William Bentinck

(4) Lord Wellisley

Answer: Lord Cornwallis (1786-1793) Governor general of Bengal

3. British supremacy in India was established after which war?

(1) Second Anglo- Mysore war

(2) Second Anglo- Maratha war

(3) Third Anglo- Mysore war

(4) Third Anglo – Maratha war

Answer: Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817 – 1818)

4. When Sati was made cognizable offence?

(1) 1829

(2) 1830

(3) 1828

(4) 1831  

Answer: After the great efforts of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, abolished sati system by William Bentick in 1829.

5. Who was the Governor – General of India when Oudh was annexed by East India Company ?

(1) Lord Dalhousie

(2) Lord Curzon

(3) Lord Wellesley

(4) Lord Lawrence

Answer: Lord Dalhousie 

 Wajid Ali Shah was the last Nawab of Awadh. In 1856, his kingdom was annexed by Dalhousie, Governor General of the East India Company on the grounds of internal misrule.

6. Queen’s Proclamation was made in the year?

(1) 1858

(2) 1828

(3) 1856

(4) 1861

 Ans: Queen Victoria’s Proclamation – November 1, 1858.

the East India Company’s rule in India came to an end. It declared that thereafter India would be governed by and in the name of the British Monarch through a Secretary of State.

7. Construction of Railways was started by

(1) William Bentick

(2) Lord-Curzon

(3) Lord Dalhousie

(4) Lord Auckland

The first railway line in India was constructed during the rule of Lord Dalhousie. The first train started from Bori Bunder in Bombay to Thane on April 16, 1853.

8. When and where the first session of the Indian National Congress was held?

(1) 1885, Bombay  

(2) 1886, Calcutta

(3) 1885, Madras     

(3) 1887, Madras


The Indian National Congress conducted its first session in Bombay from 28 to 31 December 1885 at the initiative of retired Civil Service officer A. O. Hume.


9. When and where Muslim League was founded?

(1) 1940, Lahore  

(2) 1916, Lucknow

(3) 1906, Dacca  

(4) 1913, Karachi

The All-India Muslim League was a political party established in 30 December 1906 at

at Dacca in British India. Now Dhaka, Bangladesh.

10. communal Electorate was introduced by which act?

(1) Act of 1909  

(2) Act of 1919

(3) Act of 1935  

(4) Act of 1892

The Indian Councils Act 1909 was an act of the British Parliament that introduced a few reforms in the legislative councils and increased the involvement of Indians limitedly in the governance of British India.

Act of 1909 introduced a system of communal representation for Muslims by accepting the concept of separate electorate. Under this the Muslim members were to be elected only by Muslim voters. Thus the act legalised communalism and Lord Minto came to be known as Father of communal Electorate.

11. The Congress of Vienna, 1815 was held after the defect of which nation?

(1) Russia

(2) Prussia

(3) France

(4) England

Ans: France 

12. When unification of Italy was completed?

(1) 1870

(2) 1871

(3) 1872

(4) 1873

Ans: 1871

The process began in 1815, with the Congress of Vienna acting as a detonator, and was completed in 1871 when Rome became the capital.

13. The incident of ‘Bloody Sunday’ occurred where?

(1) Moscow

(2) Petregrad

(3} St. Petersburg

(4) Austria

Ans: St. Petersburg , Russia.

14. Murder of the Archduke  Ferdinand at Sarajevo led to which war?

(1) Second world war

(2) Francos Prussian war

(3) First world war

(4] Russo- Turkish war

Ans: First world war

Austria’s Archduke Ferdinand assassinated. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are shot to death by a Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. The killings sparked a chain of events that led to the outbreak of World War I by early August.

15. When Rome -Berlin -Tokyo Axis came into existence?

1) 1938

(2) 1939

(3) 1937

(4) 1935

Ans: 1939

On May 22, 1939, Italy and Germany signed the “Pact of Steel” officially creating the Axis powers. (Japan would join in September of 1940 with the signing of the Tripartite Pact.) As the Germans plowed through France in June 1940, Mussolini announced Italy’s entrance into the war.


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