Political theory notes

  • Introduction to Political :- Politics as a Practical Activity (Politics Difficult to Define Precisely, Nature of Politics, Politics: An Inescapable Feature of the Human Condition) What is Politics? What is State? (State: Differences on Account of Political Institutions/ Social Context,  Ralph Miliband’s Views on the State) Politics as a Vocation (The Legitimate Use of Power, Max Weber on Legitimation, Legitimation: Central Concern of Political Science, Process of ‘Delegitimation’, Manipulated Consent, Personnel of the State Machine: The Elite)
  • Methods, Theories and Approaches (The Historical Approach,The Sociological Approach, The Philosophical Approach, An Integrated Approach, Autonomous Character of Political Science, Empirical Vs Normative Theory, Contemporary Relevance of Classics, Continuity of Traditional Political Thought, The New Science of Politics, Views of Eric Voegelin, Views of Christian Bay )
  • Need, usage and recent development (Political Theory and Other Inter-related Terms,Usages of Political Theory:-As the History of Political Thought, As a Technique of Analysis, As a Conceptual Clarification, As Formal Model Building, As Theoretical Political Science.  Importance of Key Theoretical Concepts , Is Political Theory Dead? , Revival of Political Theory, Recent Developments )
  • Conceptions of Political Theory (Development of Political Theory, Towards a Definition of Political Theory, Dominant Conceptions in Political Theory:- Historical Conception, Normative Conception, Empirical Conception, Contemporary Conception)
  • State (Its Elements and Nature; Theories of Origin of the State, Constitution and it Classification, Forms of Government and Organs of Government and more…)
  • Concepts of state, civil society and communityMeanings and Relationship, State and Civil Society, Democracy and Civil Society, Community and Civil Society, Characteristic Features of Civil Society.
  • Sovereignty
  • Political arguments and Conceptual analysisNature of Arguments in the Classical Tradition, Positivist Critique of Normative Theory, Nature of Arguments in the Empirical Tradition, Decline of Positivism and Interpretive Theory as an Alternative, Normative Turn in Political Theory, Nature of Arguments in Foundationalist and Post-Foundationalist Theories, Conceptual Analysis, Positivist Approach, Interpretive Approach.

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