Ravinder Singh (रविंदर सिंह) Bookshelf

Ravinder Singh is the bestselling author of I Too Had a Love Story, Can Love Happen Twice? and Like It Happened Yesterday. After having spent most of his life in Burla, a very small town in western Orissa, Ravinder is currently based in New Delhi.
He has an MBA from the renowned Indian School of Business. After working with a few Indian and multinational IT companies for more than eight years, Ravinder has finally taken up writing full-time. He loves playing snooker in his free time. He is also crazy about Punjabi music and loves dancing to its beat. The best way to contact Ravinder is through his official fan page on Facebook, at https://www.facebook.com/RavinderSingh.official.fanpage. You can also write to him at itoohadalovestory@gmail.com or visit his website www.RavinderSinghOnline.com Wikipedia

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I too had a love story

Can love happen twice?

Love Stories That Touched My Heart

Like it Happened Yesterday

Your Dreams Are Mine Now

Tell me a story

This Love that feels Right

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